
import { Icon } from "reshaped";
import type { IconProps } from "reshaped";
Supports responsive size values

Supports inheriting size from the font-size of the parent element

Supports inheriting color the parent element

For the icons displayed by the components internally – we use Feather icons and we provide it as a part of our Figma library. You can still use Reshaped together with any other iconset, like the following ones:

To support tree-shaking and let you use any icon set - Icon has an svg property to pass a React component to it. Therefore, you can use it with any icon set available across the web if it returns icons as React components or your bundle transforms SVG imports into React nodes.

<Icon svg={IconZap} size={5} />

You would like to use the Icon without defining its color manually in most situations. It will inherit the text color from its parent elements, making it quite dynamic.

<div style={{ color: "tomato" }}>
  <Icon svg={IconZap} size={5} />

Color for the SVG should be defined on the SVG level by using the currentColor value for its fill or stroke CSS properties. Example of an SVG component:

const IconZap = () => (
    viewBox="0 0 24 24"
    <polygon points="13 2 3 14 12 14 11 22 21 10 12 10 13 2" fill="currentColor" />

There are also cases when you don't want to introduce an additional wrapper just to set the color, and in those situations, you can pass the color property directly to the icon. That will let you choose one of the foreground colors provided by the design tokens.

<View gap={3} direction="row">
  <Icon svg={IconZap} color="neutral" size={5} />
  <Icon svg={IconZap} color="neutral-faded" size={5} />
  <Icon svg={IconZap} color="primary" size={5} />
  <Icon svg={IconZap} color="positive" size={5} />
  <Icon svg={IconZap} color="warning" size={5} />
  <Icon svg={IconZap} color="critical" size={5} />
  <Icon svg={IconZap} color="disabled" size={5} />

By default, Icon uses the font size of its parent element to define its width and height. However, you can define any size for the icon by passing a unit token multiplier. For example, in the default theme, passing size={3} will resolve to 12px.

<View gap={3} direction="row">
  <Icon svg={IconZap} size={3} />
  <Icon svg={IconZap} size={12} />

You can also use literal values for the Icon size if you need more flexibility. For example, you can set its size to 100% to inherit the size of its parent.

<View width="50px" height="50px">
  <Icon size="100%" svg={IconZap} />

Icon supports responsive syntax for its size property, which means you can change its size based on the viewport.

<Icon svg={IconZap} size={{ s: 3, l: 8 }} />

By default, we're providing a squared bounding box for all icons. That way, whenever you render multiple icons in a list, your content will stay visually aligned. Sometimes that's not the case, though, and you would like to avoid that extra horizontal space on either side of the icon. For instance, we use that for Button or Link components in Reshaped itself. You can use the autoWidth property to keep only the vertical bounding box to remove this extra space.

<Icon svg={IconMic} autoWidth size={6} />

Icons are used for decoration and are not focusable or clickable. If you need to perform an action on click, focus, etc. - make sure you're wrapping it with a component or HTML element that renders <a> or <button> tag. You would want to use it with the Button component most of the time.

<Button icon={IconZap} variant="ghost" />